Last Friday, the 29th, our CEO Otavio Correa, together with other members of Vidya and FIEP team, celebrated Vidya Technology’s graduation at the FIEP accelerator agency.

The ceremony rewards startups that complete their journey of maturation and insertion in the market.

The accelerator aims to support startups and spin-offs that have a high potential for market growth at scale. Through the program, companies receive assistance from market specialists. And strengthen the fundamental pillars for their insertion in the industrial market. In conclusion, raising investments, and developing projects.

The Head of Acceleration program, Priscila Tie Assahida Moreira, commented on the experience of working with Vidya inside the accelerator:


We were following Vidya closer at the beginning when it was just Otavio and Jorge, the 2 founders. However, with the arrival of Felipe Ribas, we saw the beginning of the growth of Vidya’s family. And it is very pleasing to see the arising of a very well-formed team and still be able to keep in touch through an investment process.

We would like to thank you for all the time you have been with us and for the honest way in which you have grown up. ”


Vidya’s path!

During the ceremony, our CEO, Otavio Correa also spoke about the importance of the FIEP accelerator in Vidya’s growth.


Thank you for all the support you have given us. When we started we still didn’t have the right path and thanks to the help of FIEP and the exchange of experiences with the various companies around us, we managed to learn a lot and get to where we are today.

In the beginning, it was just me and Jorge and after a lot of struggle, we were one of the first startups to get a direct R&D project with Petrobras. I thank you all for your commitment to the accelerator and the support you have always given Vidya. Being involved with all of you helped us to seek new horizons, especially with regard to our Software, which we started to develop right after the start of our journey on the accelerator, and which is today one of our flagships. ”


Asked about Vidya’s perspectives for the future Otavio said:


“Regarding the future, we have a lot of interesting perspectives. Last year we managed to raise an investment with PRIMATEC fund, which enabled the growth of our entire team. Today we have 20 people developing projects and achieving new results. We have reached a new phase in our history, which without the help of FIEP would not be possible. In conclusion, we can only thank all the support you have given us. For this new phase, we are looking for new contracts and to implement our software throughout the entire fleet of one of our active customers.


Vidya appreciates all the support received over the past few years. All of this work made our goal of bringing digital transformation with smart and innovative solutions to industries possible. We thank you for all of your work and assistance throughout our journey with the FIEP accelerator agency.


About the Author: Marina Stoiev
offshore platformNew management possibilities through Digital Transformation
vidya-team-officeVidya Technology selected for Petrobras Conexões para Inovação!