The goal of Industry 4.0 technologies is to optimize the industrial system by connecting the production steps digitally. The automation of the industrial process allows more flexibility and customizable products, besides the increase of effectiveness and cost reduction.

Germans innitialy used the Industry 4.0 term in 2012, that revolutionized the way that we work. It showed us how we could take advantage by utilizing the term to construct smart industries.

Do you want to know more about the Industry 4.0? Click here and download our whitepaper. 

A smart industry usually has a decentralized and modular production, but the industrial process has to be integrated. This is a major problem, since an industrial plant have different components, and assets to guarantee the integrity. Having all those elements to control without a centralized tool to contain data base, documents, process and procedures, is a masterful job.

The virtualization of the industrial process can do it. Virtualization can be combined with interoperability and a real-time operating capacity of a digital model. In that way, the operation can be automated, which can increase the quality of the product and make it more customizable. Since one of the pillars of Industry 4.0 is the services orientation.


How can Industry 4.0 optimize the management and maintenance of industrial assets?

We’re talking about massive industrial plants that can suffer, for example, from atmospheric corrosion. Where the asset integrity management is crucial. One industrial plant can have more than 500 thousand assets that need maintenance. And technology is our great ally for the inspection and management of these assets.

According to PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) in a global scenario, Industry 4.0 technologies can reduce time, cost, and increase the product quality. Their research shows that using digital technologies can reduce U$$421 billion a year in integrity of assets.

One way to use Industry 4.0 in the asset integrity management is based on engineering models. With it, you can create a 3D model of your industrial plant and parametrize it with data. Therefore, you have a virtual model where all the components are identified and superficial areas calculated.

The Virtual Model

Owni a virtual model of your industrial plants, and being able to identify what materials are being used. Also, know when you can have a problem with asset integrity, is a precise optimization of data. By doing it, you’re able to know when your assets will need maintenance and manage its costs. Since all the information that you need to guarantee the integrity of your assets is in one integrate platform.

Having an internationally competitive company isn’t easy, but you can improve it using the agility that the automation of Industry 4.0 can offer. A platform that integrates your services, even if they are decentralized, can be very useful. Have you ever imagine having a virtual platform with all the information about your industrial plants? 

This is what Vidya Digital Twin Software and Industry 4.0 can offer you! The software is compatible with Industry 4.0 since it follows the pillars of virtualization, real-time operating capacity, interoperability, and services orientation. Also, you’re able to reduce 25% in maintenance costs using the software, and reduce about 50% of the time in maintenance management.


But how can we use this technology to reduce costs? 

Having a virtual model of your industrial plants and parametrize with data about the assets can be very helpful for the whole team that works with the integrity of assets. This technology reduce time and increase effectiveness since the virtual model inform what’re the best routes for the inspection, and integrate the asset integrity inspect, management and maintenance.

That way, the asset integrity specialist in the field can mark what areas are suffering with problems like abrasion or corrosion, for example. And having the interoperability and real-time operating capacity, the rest of the team can ask for work orders and know how much the  maintenance will cost.

Also, with data collected from the inspections, the Digital Twin model, utilizing Machine Learning, can predict when you’ll need to maintain your assets. Knowing that, your finance manager can plan how much will spend for every operation.

Industry 4.0 technology is growing all over the world and can revolutionize the way you manage your business. With Vidya Digital Twin Technology – a tool made from the principles of Industry 4.0 – the integrity of the assets, can be more transparent and integrated, reducing costs and improving your business.


Do you want to know more about how Vidya uses Industry 4.0? Check-out this text.

There you are! Hope you found this text helpful. 

Any questions or suggestions are welcome! Send us an email and we’ll be in touch.

About the Author: Marina Stoiev
chemical-industryIndustry 4.0: How to improve your business?
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