March 8, 2023

Investment in Digital Fabric Maintenance Solution Saves USD$965,000 for FPSO in One Year

By Andre Andrade

FPSO or floating product storage and offload at sea during sunset

The implementation of Digital Fabric Maintenance solution has enabled greater digitalization and a reduction of more than 70% in the total time spent on inspection and development of maintenance plans in an active FPSO


Innovation in the Oil & Gas industry has become increasingly attractive. Despite this, McKinsey research indicates that offshore platforms currently operate on average at only 77% of their maximum potential, which generates even more interest in Oil & Gas companies worldwide in adopting new tools for their operation.

In this scenario, in order to speed up the corrosion assessment process and the creation of maintenance plans to assertively manage asset integrity, a project was developed in an operating FPSO together with Vidya Technology. The delivered solution generated in one year:

  • 91 fewer days of People on Board (PoB) for corrosion assessment tasks;
  • 59% M/H (Man/Hour) reduction in Maintenance Planning;
  • Total savings of more than USD$900,000 in the FPSO.

The main driver of the project was the contracting company’s need to optimize the more than $2 million dollars spent annually on coating management activities. In addition, the constant need for people on board to inspect and solve the problems present were also increasing the exposure to the risks present in the harsh environments of the Oil and Gas industry, generating more accidents in the operation.


“The project, besides the economic benefits, also allowed a drastic increase in the safety of FPSO workers, as we generated a decrease from 97 to 6 days of total PoB for tasks related to a coating management campaign.” (Otavio Correa, CEO of Vidya Technology)


FPSO tanker vessel near Oil Rig platform. Offshore oil and gas industry


To solve the customer’s need, Vidya developed a Digital Fabric Maintenance project to perform virtual corrosion assessment of the FPSO and to develop corrosion inspection and maintenance plans in less than 70% of the time normally spent, contextualizing paint integrity data and managing field work orders integrated with different ERPs.


Solution Deployment


In order for the inspection to be done virtually, one of Vidya’s qualified inspectors was in charge of collecting images of the entire platform with 360° cameras and drones in just six days of embarkation. The Images were then processed by Machine Vision technology to detect corrosion points automatically, and uploaded to the platform.

The images processed by AI allowed inspectors to quickly perform the corrosion assessment and processing, according to the client’s business rules, in this case ASTM D610, and segmentation of components that should be prioritized in case of maintenance needs by criticality criteria.

Finally, the vessel’s integrity data generated fed customized dashboards, and enabled the emission of maintenance notes directly on CMMS or ERPs. Therefore, this application allowed, besides all the presented results, a greater reliability of the generated and processed data, turning them into more efficient decision making tools.


About Vidya


Vidya Technology is a company focused on transforming industrial operation and maintenance into data-driven environments. By developing solutions for Asset Performance Management strategies, they provide a much more efficient, safe and profitable operation for all different types of industries.

In recent years they have been responsible for optimizing the operation of large fleets of vessels for the major Oil and Gas companies globally, such as Modec, Equinor, Ocyan, and Petrobras, and currently have the world’s largest Footprint in Offshore facilities for Digital Fabric Maintenance.


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About the Author: Andre Andrade
oil and gas offshore platformThe Challenges of Offshore Vessel Inspections
male engineer doing inspection with dronesPaper vs Digital Inspections
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