It is not the strongest of the surviving species, nor the most intelligent. It is the most adaptable to change”. This is one of Charles Darwin’s most famous phrases and one that has been redefined by Digital Transformation.

Digital transformation has been one of the biggest trends in the world. Just as our society and countries undergo changes and transformations, so does the industrial sector.

Technology has taken over our lives and routines, today the services that a few years ago were done manually, with paper and clipboards, are performed through a touchscreen.

woman on desktop analyzing digital transformation information


But what is the digital transformation after all?


Digital transformation is a major disruptive movement, based on the use of technology to digitize information, actions, and processes. This digitization transcends the spheres of society and can be observed in practically everything, and the tendency is for this to be even more scale in the coming years.

According to data from Ivity, the market value of digital transformation tends to exceed 100 billion dollars in the coming decades. We can then understand that digital transformation is a matter of adapting to the future.

The point is, this is not just a quick race towards digitization, but a long marathon that takes time, patience, and a lot of commitment to complete. This has happened through structural changes within industries.

digital industry plant

The digital transformation period can also be associated with changes in the rules of the same game, in which those who adapt best will have the best result in the end.


The journey towards digitization.


Several changes can already be observed in this context of digital transformation. The first one is the integration between processes, data, people. Well-identified characteristics of the period.


Read:  The integration between industrial processes


Then, another interesting movement to be observed is new functions incorporated into processes such as data engineering and programming, which each day gain more prominence and importance.

This is the result of a growing demand for new talent in new areas, which are fundamental for the development of digital transformation.


Just as the skilled carpenter survived the first industrial revolutions, so the skilled scientist and researcher will survive the digital transformation.

The impacts of digital transformation


Digital transformation is based on the use of data, which is generally done using technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI, and Digital Twins.

The point here is that not only data referring to a particular process or product are used, but also data on how customers react to that product and its performance.


Smart products from IoT toothbrushes to Smart Cities

The rise of smart services and products is a result of this, and the trend is for this to continue to happen and be scaled to other levels, such as cities and intelligent entire ecosystems.

In cities where lights are remotely controlled, it is known when maintenance or replacement is needed, traffic is managed in real-time and the entire garbage collection system is done through an automated center. These are just a few examples of how smart sensors are being incorporated into cities and contributing to public management.

Performance optimization, control, and monitoring


The gain in performance, control, and monitoring is also another interesting factor generated by digitization. Even more, when applied to highly complex industrial processes such as oil extraction and refining.

The future


Just as our friend Darwin considered the need for adaptability for survival, so the industry has been doing. The popularization of 5G in the coming years is a result of this long digital journey.

It is true that this is a long process, which requires investment and will certainly be responsible for even more changes in our society.

The first steps have already been taken, and the changes can already be perceived, scenarios previously exclusive to the sphere of science fiction, have become realities much more quickly than expected.

It is now up to the adaptation of industries based on the use of technology so that we can increasingly transform ourselves digitally

Read: Successful strategies behind digital transformation

About the Author: Andre Andrade
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