
Hello, welcome to Vidyacast: smart doses of industries Innovation.

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about the need for change in energy resources in industrial operations.

This need comes because electric energy is the most used in industrial processes and operations.

Despite being the most popular, the use of this type of energy is responsible for numerous environmental impacts, causing interference in hydric estuaries and flooding of adjacent biomes.

On the other hand, energy sources that involve burning, such as thermoelectric and nuclear, manage to be even worse in the environmental aspect. Responsible for tons of toxic waste, this type of energy is directly responsible for the climate change we are experiencing today.

This need for changing energy sources is aligned to ESG goals that aim to zero carbon emissions until 2050.

As energy consumption increases the emissions of carbon dioxide industries tend now to change their sources to ones that are renewable.

The use of renewable and sustainable energies is the way for decarbonization strategies to be effectively implemented.

The change is part of a movement to transition and break energy dependence.

Being aware of the need for clean operations and ESG strategies is not enough, but demonstrating through action the extreme importance of these objectives.

This may be one of the key points for the future, where stakeholders seek investment opportunities in industries that effectively have plans to contain carbon emissions.

Being ready for this challenge means not only moving towards a green future, but also having better conditions for financial contributions and also facilitating government fees and taxes.

Well, thank you for listening to our podcast.

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