The digital transformation enabled the use of new technologies and tools, as digital automation, within the most diverse industrial processes. The adaptation to the use of IoT sensors, mechanisms equipped with AI and 3D models, has provided an increasing digital automation of processes that previously demanded a lot of time and money.

The industries are constantly looking for new ways to take advantage of these new technologies, always looking for greater performance with lower operating costs. Adaptation to digital automation has become essential for industries that want to remain in a competitive position within the market.


Understand the importance of digital transformation within the industrial scenario, and understand how this technology has revolutionized the most diverse industrial operations. Click and read!

Although many managers are aware of the need and importance of adopting new management models within their operations, there is still a big gap when it comes to the implementation of these tools.

The solution that has been adopted by many companies to overcome this implementation difficulty is to hire specialized services that meet the specific needs of the operation in question, providing the best results.



Over the years Vidya understood the need for industries to have digital management systems that add value to operations, reducing costs and optimizing time-consuming maintenance and inspection activities, and from that, Vidya Software was developed with the premise to guarantee the structural integrity of industrial assets through an online system that is easy to access and view.

vidya software interface

The software is equipped with several technologies that emerged with the fourth industrial revolution. Through 3D models, Digital Twins, IoT sensors and Machine Learning algorithms, Vidya has taken Asset integrity management to the next level.

Complex plants, especially those of Oil, Gas, Mining and Petrochemicals, require constant monitoring of their assets. Given the large extent and quantity of elements to be inspected and maintained within these facilities, Vidya software has become an essential tool for industries that want to optimize this process.


Through the 3D model, any asset within the plant can be quickly located. The model is fed with field data captured through iot sensors, or through inspections with data input through mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets, providing accurate insights for the optimized execution of maintenance and inspection plans.

Through the software itself it is also possible to create several attributes that can be used as guides for maintenance or inspection plans. Through them it is possible to register materials, yield, costs, and budget prediction. Vidya Software makes it possible to customize these attributes according to the specific variables of your industry.

The registered information allows execution plans to be created with personalized checklists, which are digitally sent to operators through tablets for asset inspection and maintenance activities, facilitating the design of these plans and making their execution faster.


Service Orders Tablet Vidya

In activities for the execution of maintenance plans related to corrosion and paint management, for example, Vidya Software allows a reduction of up to 50% in the time required for paint management, 25% reduction in maintenance costs in 10-year campaigns. and 100% control over tasks and activities.

Don’t waste more time with spreadsheets and stacks of documents, with Vidya Software you can have an automated asset integrity management center with easy data sharing between teams.

Be part of the select group of industries that are already part of the digital transformation with the best asset integrity management software on the market. Click and understand in detail how Vidya Software can do more for you and your industry!

About the Author: Andre Andrade
old computerWhat is Artificial Intelligence and what are its applications
industrial petrochemical plantData automation for better results achievement in industries