Several industrial sectors have invested in new technologies to reduce time and cost in industrial activities. Likewise the various tools that have been utilized for improving productivity in industrial plants. The digitalization of the documents and data analysis in digital platforms deserve special attention.

With software that can be operated remotely, the asset management has become a more integrated task. With tools that help the planning of inspection and maintenance activities. According to execution plans made previously. In that way, this optimization in performance reduces the number of people involved in field tasks. And increases the productivity of those who need to be there. Offering the best cost-value.

Accordingly to the digital magazine Industry Today, the technology in the industry, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, can reproject the production and bring competitivity through technology:

If you’re interested in contents about Industry 4.0, you can download our ebook clicking here.

“Technologies also plays a major role in productivity, so looking for software solutions may be ideal for your business. You could, for instance, make time to find software solutions that help with scheduling, inventory, and monitoring workflow. Considering automation is also a good idea as it can help reduce the risk of error which can also affect your productivity levels as it often creates setbacks”.

In that way, new technologies doesn’t bring benefits just to the production. However, it can also reduce environmental risks and bring more safety for those who need to be in person at the industrial plant. We’ve already talked about this subject in another article here at the blog, that you can access clicking here.

Digitalization: is that the future of the Offshore plants?

Several engineers and technical staff are evaluating the results of the digital transformation to the optimization of the industrial plants. Meanwhile, some of them started to develop projects for that the industrial process become safer and more efficient. Vidya Software is an example of it. Vidya made and developed this software starting from the idea of our CEO Otávio Corrêa, an asset integrity expert.

This Software works from a general inventory of the industrial plant. That brings together engineering documents, technical drawings, and all the database from the first phases of the PLM (Project Life-Cycle Management). From that, the system works with inputs from a field tablet or IoT (Internet of Things) sensors for inspection. Providing maintenance outputs from predictive algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

“We’ve noticed that to have an inventory with all the components of an industrial plant, and know the integrity status of every single one of them, is an impossible job without digital devices. At this time we realized that the industry needed a solution.” – Otavio Corrêa.

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The Digital Twin and Inputs from the Inspection Tablet

Based on engineering documents, we used the Digital Twin technology to make a Digital Twin of your industrial plant. A Digital Twin isn’t just a 3D model, since there is a constant flow of data. This data passes through the digital model to the physical object and vice-versa.

Each element that is centralized in this digital platform can be classified through cataloged attributes for the operator itself. As dimension, color coating, and superficial area, for example. For each one of these elements, you can generate a Work Order (WO). And add documents and specific spreadsheets to the maintenance of them.

For the inspection phase of the industrial assets, selecting elements that need to be inspected, it’s possible to choose routes for the inspection based on the priority of each asset. Or from the distance between the components, for example. Consequently, you can add a schedule for the inspection teams, and follow the activities execution through the software. The field tablet counts with auto-synchronization and offline support. Gathering information collected by the team in the tablet, including photos and checklists that can be accessed in real-time.

With these inputs from the inspection team combined with the attributes of the elements (as superficial area, material, if it needs irate or scaffolding access). Therefore, predictive algorithm can outline which of the elements may need maintenance, or calculate the remaining life status of assets.

What results can you expect?

In that way, you can manage the asset integrity remotely and have control over the execution status of the inspection and maintenance activities of each team or element. Besides, you can generate a maintenance budget based in elements selected, what are their execution plans, responsible teams and execution schedule.

“We’ve concluded in our case studies that Vidya Software can reduce from 3 people on board (POB) for inspection activities, for just 1 responsible. Besides, since the basic survey from the FPSO until the work order emission, reducing about 60% of M/h. Those are significant data about the increase in productivity in inspection tasks”. – Otávio Corrêa.

New digital technologies can increase productivity and the competitivity in the industry, bringing great economical results. Besides, it increases the safety for those who work in person in industrial plants. And can avoid environmental disasters, maintaining the whole operation within legal regulations. Make part of the future! Vidya: smart technologies for smart industries.

If you want to see more results as cited by our CEO, click here to do the download of the presentation of our general results.

About the Author: Marina Stoiev
businessman-industrial-plantTeam Management for the Industry!
offshore-in-sunset-lightsNew alternatives for the Asset Integrity Management in Offshores