Industries over the years have become increasingly used to the importance of using digital asset integrity systems in their production. The essentiality of such measures for the maintenance of a continuous process, with the minimum possible losses, is already known by many managers and the implementation of new technologies that optimize the integrity of these assets is already part of large companies routines

If you are still unsure about how asset integrity management works, I recommend you to read an exclusive material that we at Vidya have prepared for you! Just click here to access.

It is clear that the subject is already well known by the industry, but even so there are still many difficulties in adapting to this scenario. Within an industrial plant there are thousands of assets that need attention, and managing a large amount of these assets manually is simply impossible.

We must also take into account that the production of certain industrial plants operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the cost of a sudden interruption in this process will certainly result in huge losses for the company.

Here is the first dilemma when implementing an asset integrity management system: the balance between profitability and intervention

There are signs that indicate when an industry needs to review the functionality of its own process. If there are many interruptions within a process or even the difficulty of locating the source of small failures, then it is a clear sign that your integrity management is not operating well.


Or if still, operators do not feel safe and there is a concern that the maintenance sectors are not receiving the necessary investments, it may be time to review the company’s procedures and adopt other ways to manage these assets so that their cycle life is optimized and major flaws are avoided.

corrosion on metal

Good asset integrity will certainly directly influence the cost of inspection and maintenance within an industrial facility. If assets can continue to perform their function without generating risks or unexpected interruptions, maintenance costs will be reduced, since they will only have to be interrupted at the appropriate time.

When there is a gap in the management of industrial assets, it can be seen that the maintenance routine becomes larger, generating many expenses that could be avoided. Inspections that were not on the schedule have to be executed due to the various failures that happen, and in the end it is more expensive for the industry to repair these failures than simply preventing them from happening through good asset integrity management.


And what are the alternatives adopted by the industries?

Nowadays many industries have been looking for specialized softwares in Asset Integrity Management. Thanks to the revolutions of Industry 4.0 and the implementation of new technologies in the industry, today we have some available applications especially for asset management. Through them you can access a database with all the information relevant to the assets and their useful life. These softwares generates mobility for managers because of its interoperability, the work of analysis and decision making starts to be done anywhere.

These applications are equipped with specific dashboards, which facilitate the interpretation of the captured data. A plant that involves a degree of complexity like those of Oil and Gas and Petroleum, has thousands of assets in its structure, and these, have a huge amount of data imported constantly to dedicated software. That’s where Business Intelligence technologies help organize this data so that you can have an accurate analysis and decisions are made correctly by managers.

petrochemical plant

This software has already proved crucial within industries, its functionality has revolutionized the way we do asset integrity management. And your returns have been very pleasing. It is no longer necessary to have to stick to insane maintenance and inspection routines while spending astronomical amounts to keep production running.

Now that you know that all this work can be helped through specialized software, how about knowing what the software is and all the technology that they add to your process. Click here and access a special material made for you who wants to have the best results in your company.

About the Author: Andre Andrade
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