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How AI streamlines mineral transportation

Mining logistics involve managing activities related to the transportation of ore from the mine site to the ore processing plant and eventually to the final customer. In this context, this process consists of transporting large volumes of minerals for thousands of kilometers. According to McKinsey, today’s complex mining value chains are almost inevitably subject to disruption. For this reason, new strategies for streamlining mineral transportation must be developed. However, before delving into the challenges of mineral transportation, we need to understand how the whole process occurs.   The mining logistics process   Mineral transportation is embedded in the Mining value [...]

February 28th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Mining|

AI-driven Hull Inspections: Streamlining Safety and Efficiency

Vessels are crucial parts of different industrial operations. Considering this, the ship's main body: the hull, must be regularly inspected to ensure high asset integrity, safety, and efficiency standards. Hull damages such as cracks can lead to oil leaks, which can implicate direct emergency costs that surpass USD 50,000,000 according to  Brazil's National Petroleum Agency, which is 100x more expensive than the investment to repair the defects on time (before the accident) not including compensations, fines, and asset depreciation. In this regard, hull inspections are a maintenance procedure that helps energy companies and bulk cargo transporters maintain high safety, compliance, [...]

January 31st, 2024|Asset Integrity Management, Mining, Oil and Gas|
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