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New technologies are increasing the productivity in Offshore.

Several industrial sectors have invested in new technologies to reduce time and cost in industrial activities. Likewise the various tools that have been utilized for improving productivity in industrial plants. The digitalization of the documents and data analysis in digital platforms deserve special attention. With software that can be operated remotely, the asset management has become a more integrated task. With tools that help the planning of inspection and maintenance activities. According to execution plans made previously. In that way, this optimization in performance reduces the number of people involved in field tasks. And increases the productivity of those who [...]

August 12th, 2020|Asset Integrity Management, Offshore|

The complex routine of Offshore: Technology as our great ally 

Offshores can have a complex routine, so managers and engineers are increasingly adopting the Digital Twin to integrate the firsts phases of the Project Life-cycle Management (PLM) - design and engineering - with the Operation and Maintenance phase (O&M). As a result, they’re building efficiency by sharing data and taking advantage of the technology, which can be used to reduce time and budget of inspection and maintenance activities. An industrial plant have thousands of assets. Therefore, the inspection and maintenance management of all of them can be a masterful job. However, with the connectivity provided by digital technologies, such [...]

August 12th, 2020|Offshore|
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