The challenges for the future of Oil and Gas sector
Undoubtedly, the impacts generated by the covid-19 pandemic on American oil and gas production will be witnessed for a few more years. Despite the sector's recent slight recovery, the problem appears to be far from over. To understand a little more about what made this drop in production so impactful, you can access this content where we detail more about it. Click and read! There are many variables behind the drop in US oil consumption and production. Basically, there is a cost behind all production, which can be more or less expensive depending on how the [...]
That’s why Oil and Gas production dropped
It was in the year of 2020 that the oil and gas industries suffered a major crisis in their production due to the covid-19 pandemic. Although the problem becomes more evident with the pandemic, it goes back much further. Why is the oil industry at the mercy of its production? The problem is a little more complex than one thinks when we analyze oil extraction around the world. Basically, there are 2 most common types of production, they are: Onshore and Offshore. Onshore operations are less risky and require a lower investment cost due to their easier [...]
The recovery in American Oil and Gas production
With the covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020, the oil and gas industries suffered impacts on their production and are now looking for its recovery. The pandemic changed our routine, our lives, and forced us to quickly adapt to a new work model. The need for social isolation was also one of the measures taken to safeguard the health of people around the world. As the disease spread across the world, economic structures began to encounter new behaviors. For the American oil and gas sector, this change was responsible for one of the biggest drops in oil consumption in [...]
Digital Twin: Leading the Pulp and Paper Industry to Digital Transformation
The pulp and paper industries are some of the most important and traditional industries in the world. Despite the obstacles faced in recent years, this is an industry that has been showing good growth. With the arrival of the digital transformation, the pulp and paper industry had to face the drop in graphic paper consumption and redirect its energies to other segments. This change was able to curb consumption impacts and allow this industry to continue to generate growth. However, the pulp and paper industry still has some challenges ahead to maintain its production. Among these challenges, we can highlight [...]
Mining and Digital Transformation – A Sustainable Combination
Through digital transformation, mining industries have the possibility of overcoming obstacles through the use of technologies in their operation. Industries today face an extensive path for digitization. The rise of digital transformation has become an inherent necessity in industrial processes, and it is no different in the mining sector. Understand the 5 steps to a successful digital transformation strategy There are many advantages that digital transformation has provided to industrial processes and operations, including: Alignment with decarbonization needs Greater control over resource use and field team management Greater safety for operators These are the 03 main challenges that [...]
The Value of Digital Transformation
It is not the strongest of the surviving species, nor the most intelligent. It is the most adaptable to change”. This is one of Charles Darwin's most famous phrases and one that has been redefined by Digital Transformation. Digital transformation has been one of the biggest trends in the world. Just as our society and countries undergo changes and transformations, so does the industrial sector. Technology has taken over our lives and routines, today the services that a few years ago were done manually, with paper and clipboards, are performed through a touchscreen. But what is the digital transformation [...]
Digital Transformation: A Sustainable Future for Mining
Since ancient times, human beings have already used mining to produce utensils, materials, and tools that would be capable of transforming their lives. Since then, the mining sector has been industrialized, and in recent years it has been digitized thanks to the rise of digital transformation. Although this industry has evolved in recent decades, there is still a lot to be done to solve today's challenges. . Journey to a net-zero strategy According to a report published by PWC, the mining industry was one of the few organizations where the results of the pandemic period remained stable. [...]
A Guide to Better Leveraging IoT Data (Internet of Things)
IoT (Internet of Things) has been widely used by the oil and gas industry, forming a large communication network between physical objects, which have any possibility of communication with each other. The use of this technology in industrial plants has allowed the extraction of gigantic amounts of data, bringing up the question: How to use IoT data efficiently? The path found by the oil and gas industries so that data can be used in order to generate valuable insights and turn them into actions that result in performance optimization, control, safety and greater fluidity of the process as [...]
IoT Solutions for More Control and Security in Industrial Operations
Technologies driven by Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation have been helping many industries to adapt to a new model of operation based on digitization, which is establishing itself in the market. Among these new technologies, IoT (Internet of Things) is one that has been attracting attention due to its various applications. The importance of this technology for the industry and its functionalities applied to operations and processes are already well known by a large part of the sector. Many companies tend to adapt to this new scenario so that they can better enjoy the benefits generated by the application of [...]
The ultimate IoT (Internet of Things) fundamentals
In recent years, new technologies have driven what we now call Digital Transformation. From these new discoveries, many changes started to be part of the industries operation, and consequently, of people's daily life. Among the several new technologies, one of them stands out and draws the attention of many people and companies due to its fundamental role and its many functionalities: IoT (Internet of Things). Next, we will talk a little about the many factors that have made this one of the main technologies in digital transformation, generating new ways of operation and optimization for industries. The beginning of [...]