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The active role of AI in industries’ future

Artificial intelligence has transformed the world through its application for different purposes around the globe. The recurrent use and interest in this technique have led to several developments that rapidly transformed the industrial operating environment through advances in computational techniques. Since 2020 we can notice an accelerated movement of digitalization driven by digital transformation and concepts previously presented in industry 4.0. The technologies developed in these periods and their fast emergence have provided enough visibility for broad application in complex tasks among production processes and industrial operations.     The trend is that, in the coming years, the application [...]

Data Contextualization – Make data do more!

Introduction   Since Industry 4.0, companies have been implementing digital technologies to digitize their operations based on cyber-physical models.  Ten years after the beginning of the transformation generated by Industry 4.0, these companies are often struggling with the difficulty of generating value through the use of the data generated in their operations. We can say that we are no longer in an age of data, but in an age in which it is necessary to understand, organize, and qualify this data in order to effectively generate value.     In this article, we will address some of the main [...]

What is a Data Lake?

Since the digital transformation, many data have begun to be gathered in the midst of industrial processes and operations. Technologies such as machine learning, big data, and cloud computing are some of the tools developed in this period in order to handle this data so that it can become useful.   Within this scenario, a new concept of storage starts to be discussed. In this text we will address what are the main characteristics, definitions, and benefits of a Data Lake, and what opportunities this concept creates for data scientists who want to extract maximum value from data.   What [...]

May 19th, 2022|Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, iot|

How you are going to become a reference through Digital Twin

Industries are currently experiencing a strong moment of disruption and digitalization in their operations as a result of digital transformation. The technologies emerging after Industry 4.0 have not only revolutionized the industry, but also brought to the fore a question frequently asked among managers: Which technologies do I really need? And the answer to that question can be quite surprising!   Industries & Digital Transformation   Hundreds of technologies that promised to revolutionize industrial operations have become popular and have made their way into the sector generating an ever-growing amount of data. However, having digital technologies in the midst [...]

The path to an ESG operation

ESG (Enviromental - Social - Governance) is the acronym that has attracted the eyes of industries to an imminent and extremely urgent need. Since the first industrial revolutions, industries  have introduced automation into their operations. In the first, coal moved the heavy machines through steam and replaced the brute human force of the time. In the second, electricity not only revolutionized industry, but the whole world. We can still mention the third revolution, in which information systems, just-in-time model, and adherence to computing, introducing new concepts capable of revolutionizing the industry once again through digitization. As we can see, change [...]

October 8th, 2021|Decarbonization, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0|

ESG : Main concepts and aspects to a better future

ESG stands for Environmental - Social - Governance. These are guidelines that guide financial companies towards the challenges and social objectives of the 21st century. Initially conceived in 2004 in the UN global pact in partnership with the world bank, the ESG strategies are about 03 pillars that must work in perfect harmony so that companies can generate sustainable growth, and be aligned with global goals.   Next, we will show what each of the pillars means, and how important it is within organizations.   E - Environmental   The first ESG pillar concerns the good environmental practices that an [...]

October 5th, 2021|Decarbonization, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0|

What is Big Data and how the industry benefits from it

Big Data é um termo popularizado desde a Indústria 4.0 e tem sido amplamente utilizado em muitos setores da indústria e de tecnologia. Mas, afinal, o que é Big Data e qual é sua contribuição para os processos e operações industriais?   O Big Data começou a se popularizar em meados de 2013 e, desde então, vem crescendo cada vez mais e se tornando uma técnica essencial para as indústrias de hoje.     Basicamente, Big Data é a capacidade de analisar, processar e armazenar grandes quantidades de dados, de forma que essa análise possa gerar um conhecimento valioso [...]

Energy transition is possible through technology

The energy transition is one of the most important agendas for the industrial sector in order to contain the advance of global warming. But how can this be done feasibly?   The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been highlighted in recent months around the world. The role of the industrial sector in this change is to transform its operations so that energy dependence on non-renewable sources is eradicated.   The task is far from simple and requires time and investment to actually get it done. However, from the digital transformation and its technologies, industries have the opportunity to [...]

August 31st, 2021|Decarbonization, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0|

The energy transition in industries is a necessity of now

Finding solutions for energy transition within industrial plants is a necessity that requires action. This need is the result of the race in search of industrial operations so that they do not emit greenhouse gases, being compliant with what we call ESG (Environmental - Social - Governance) strategies.     The subject has gained importance in recent years. Governments try to ease the way for a change of operation aiming at the goal of containing the advances of global warming and climate change on the planet.   Reducing costs and changing policies on the subject was the starting point [...]

August 24th, 2021|Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0|

Why industries must change their energy source

To reduce the environmental impact of our industries, switching energy sources is necessary. In recent years, this agenda has gained considerable prominence along with the demand for ESG (Environmental - Social - Governance) operations. The goal is to zero carbon emissions in the industrial sector by the year 2050 through the application of technology and especially the change of energy sources to renewable sources with a lower environmental impact.   The issue of decarbonization comes to the fore amid a period where technology and digital transformation have dramatically changed the way industries operate. The digitization movement allows these industries to [...]

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