How you are going to become a reference through Digital Twin
Industries are currently experiencing a strong moment of disruption and digitalization in their operations as a result of digital transformation. The technologies emerging after Industry 4.0 have not only revolutionized the industry, but also brought to the fore a question frequently asked among managers: Which technologies do I really need? And the answer to that question can be quite surprising! Industries & Digital Transformation Hundreds of technologies that promised to revolutionize industrial operations have become popular and have made their way into the sector generating an ever-growing amount of data. However, having digital technologies in the midst [...]
How smart industries will be
Can you imagine what the industries will be like 10 years from now? The concept of industry of the future or smart industries describes the application of different combinations of modern technologies to create a hyperflexible and self-adaptive operating and manufacturing capability. Smart factories are an opportunity to create new forms of efficiency and flexibility by connecting different processes and information flows. Some technologies are essential to this concept. Let's address the top 3 below. IoT - (Internet of Things) The Internet of Things is the ability of devices to communicate with each other without human [...]
Revolutionizing Industries through Data-Driven Problem Solving: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of the digital transformation sweeping across industries, offering a powerful tool for optimizing operations through data analysis, pattern recognition, and anomaly identification. In the current landscape, AI is not only a trend but a necessity, with its applications expanding rapidly within various sectors, particularly in industrial processes and operations. The Capabilities of AI Algorithms: AI algorithms play a pivotal role in data-driven decision-making by efficiently extracting, processing, and storing vast amounts of information. Their ability to recognize complex patterns and visually identify anomalies surpasses what can be achieved [...]
The relation between Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation
Artificial intelligence is one of the most important modern technologies and it is through its development that many tasks gain new possibilities for automation and execution. The concept was first proposed by John McCarthy at an expert meeting at Dartmouth College in 1956. Until then, artificial intelligence was used only for laboratory research and the use of giant machines that performed basic activities based on arithmetic calculations for performing simple operations. Only a few decades later, the application of artificial intelligence began to be executed in the industrial market, mainly due to the improvement in the [...]
How data contextualization has been assisting asset management
Asset management brings together some good practices that should be used by organizations in order to optimize their processes and control in order to achieve a desirable result and performance, ensuring the safety of operators and integration between different industrial disciplines. From the revolutionary concepts of industry 4.0 and the application of technology in the midst of production processes, asset management has been driven by technologies capable of extracting, processing, and storing gigantic amounts of data. A common industry can easily surpass the number of 500,000 assets, which must be monitored in order to guarantee the [...]
The power of Big Data and Digital Twin
Digital transformation has been a period of many changes for industries with the rise of many innovative technologies that are daily implemented within production processes and operations. However, it is from a knowledge area called Big Data that these technologies have their potential highlighted The use of Big Data aligned with technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), Digital Twin, and Artificial Intelligence, has provided the generation of valuable knowledge through the efficient interpretation of huge amounts of data. It is through Big Data techniques that industries can use all available data to identify possible bottlenecks, improvements [...]
What is Big Data and how the industry benefits from it
Big Data é um termo popularizado desde a Indústria 4.0 e tem sido amplamente utilizado em muitos setores da indústria e de tecnologia. Mas, afinal, o que é Big Data e qual é sua contribuição para os processos e operações industriais? O Big Data começou a se popularizar em meados de 2013 e, desde então, vem crescendo cada vez mais e se tornando uma técnica essencial para as indústrias de hoje. Basicamente, Big Data é a capacidade de analisar, processar e armazenar grandes quantidades de dados, de forma que essa análise possa gerar um conhecimento valioso [...]
Are you an offshore manager? So you’d better read this
With the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic, dozens of restrictive measures were needed to slow down the spread of the disease. Such measures impacted many businesses, especially offshore industrial plants, and forced them to adapt to a new scenario at the beginning of 2020. Although the need for social isolation has forced many industries to find alternatives so that their employees could continue to perform their duties, we can say that the pandemic was only the accelerator of a transition that would naturally occur with digital transformation. In fact, digital transformation was one of the great allies of industries in [...]
Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence has been one of the technologies that most reflects the period of digital transformation. It is from the various computational AI techniques that algorithms capable of extracting and processing giant amounts of data can be developed and applied in industries. Artificial Intelligence is one of the most prominent computational techniques in the last decade. Because of this, we have prepared content that covers the main pillars of this technology that has been revolutionizing our lives. Click and access! We live in an increasingly digital era and every day new technologies take over our routine, [...]
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Revolution in data extraction
The digital transformation was a period of many changes for industries with the rise of many innovative technologies that have gained application within industrial plants. However, it was due to various technologies coming from an area of knowledge called Big Data that the technological revolution began to gain new proportions. Understand how digital transformation has brought new opportunities for the intelligent use of large masses of data by digitizing processes by reading an article that will revolutionize your understanding of the subject. Click and read! In a new digital era where Digital Twin, IoT sensors, and Artificial Intelligence algorithms [...]