What is a Data Lake?
Since the digital transformation, many data have begun to be gathered in the midst of industrial processes and operations. Technologies such as machine learning, big data, and cloud computing are some of the tools developed in this period in order to handle this data so that it can become useful. Within this scenario, a new concept of storage starts to be discussed. In this text we will address what are the main characteristics, definitions, and benefits of a Data Lake, and what opportunities this concept creates for data scientists who want to extract maximum value from data. What [...]
How smart industries will be
Can you imagine what the industries will be like 10 years from now? The concept of industry of the future or smart industries describes the application of different combinations of modern technologies to create a hyperflexible and self-adaptive operating and manufacturing capability. Smart factories are an opportunity to create new forms of efficiency and flexibility by connecting different processes and information flows. Some technologies are essential to this concept. Let's address the top 3 below. IoT - (Internet of Things) The Internet of Things is the ability of devices to communicate with each other without human [...]
A Guide to Better Leveraging IoT Data (Internet of Things)
IoT (Internet of Things) has been widely used by the oil and gas industry, forming a large communication network between physical objects, which have any possibility of communication with each other. The use of this technology in industrial plants has allowed the extraction of gigantic amounts of data, bringing up the question: How to use IoT data efficiently? The path found by the oil and gas industries so that data can be used in order to generate valuable insights and turn them into actions that result in performance optimization, control, safety and greater fluidity of the process as [...]
IoT Solutions for More Control and Security in Industrial Operations
Technologies driven by Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation have been helping many industries to adapt to a new model of operation based on digitization, which is establishing itself in the market. Among these new technologies, IoT (Internet of Things) is one that has been attracting attention due to its various applications. The importance of this technology for the industry and its functionalities applied to operations and processes are already well known by a large part of the sector. Many companies tend to adapt to this new scenario so that they can better enjoy the benefits generated by the application of [...]
The ultimate IoT (Internet of Things) fundamentals
In recent years, new technologies have driven what we now call Digital Transformation. From these new discoveries, many changes started to be part of the industries operation, and consequently, of people's daily life. Among the several new technologies, one of them stands out and draws the attention of many people and companies due to its fundamental role and its many functionalities: IoT (Internet of Things). Next, we will talk a little about the many factors that have made this one of the main technologies in digital transformation, generating new ways of operation and optimization for industries. The beginning of [...]
The 2 IoT (Internet of Things) trends for industries in 2021
The technologies driven by industry 4.0 and the digital transformation have been helping many industries to adapt to a new model of operation guided by digitalization, which is establishing itself in the market. Among these new technologies, IoT (Internet of Things) is one that has been attracting attention due to its various applications. The importance of this technology for the industry and its functionalities applied to operations and processes are already well known by a large part of the sector. Many companies tend to adapt to this new scenario so that they can make the best use of the [...]
Successful strategies behind Digital Transformation
The digital transformation has proven to be a great tool for industries in recent years. It is thanks to its innovative technologies that many industries have the possibility to automate and digitize their processes and operations. However, there is still a big gap in the industrial sector for the implementation of these technologies. Discover all the aspects, applications, and innovations resulting from digital transformation through content that we have prepared detailing this concept. Click and access! With access to IoT, Digital Twin, and Artificial Intelligence technologies, many activities have been transformed and digitized through tools that have been [...]
Industry 4.0: The Revolution caused by Industrial IoT
With the 4th industrial revolution, the world began to enter a stage known as digital transformation. This period is marked by countless technologies that have gained space among industries, generating new possibilities for optimization and control over operations and processes. Among the various technologies emerging from this period, iiot (Industrial Internet of Things) has become essential for many companies to achieve better results through control over assets, resulting in greater safety for operators and the environment. When we refer to iiot, we are talking about a segmentation coming from IoT (Internet of things) technology, however, the industrial internet of [...]
How to take advantage of the Increasing IoT on Industry
IoT (Internet of Things) has become, over the last few years, one of the essential technologies for the industry. Every day the interconnectivity of devices becomes greater, the idea of having cities interconnected through billions of devices is already something that permeates reality. Access to cheaper processing networks, microchips, and sensors has made the IoT technology accessible and made its popularity arise. If you want to know more about the importance of IoT, see our ebook understanding IoT in 5 steps The industry has been gradually adapting to this new scenario and constantly creating new solutions and new functions for [...]
Internet of Things (IoT) in 5 steps
In the past years, new technologies have spurred what now is called the fourth industrial revolution, as Internet of Things. From these new discoveries, many changes began to be part of the industries and, consequently, of people’s daily lives. Among the many new technologies, one of them stands out and draws the attention of many people and companies due to its fundamental role and its diverse functionalities: IoT (Internet of Things). Find out 5 topics that will change the way you see this technology that has revolutionized the world: 1. The beginning The concept came about in 1999 by [...]