The mining industries have great challenges ahead of them, but these can be overcome by implementing effective strategies based on digital transformation.



Although the mining industries suffered the least from the impact of the pandemic, according to the WPC, the mining industry still has a long way to go in complying with ESG, decarbonization, and safety guidelines in its operations. In addition, the industry has the opportunity to generate greater flexibility, integration, and profitability through innovative Industry 4.0 technologies.

Read: Understand how mining companies have adapted to a new model of carbonless operation!

The issue of decarbonization is directly related to better use of energy in these plants, and better asset performance. It is understood that the industry is going through a time of energy transition to renewable sources.

In addition, the mining industry is working hard to make its operations safer by controlling assets and optimizing asset integrity management.


mining equipment on mining operation


In order for these goals to be achieved and executed in the best possible way, industries have implemented technologies capable of generating continuous monitoring in their operations through data collected in the field, sensors, and other techniques.

The technology that has drawn the industry’s attention for this type of management is Digital Twin, which consists of a continuous flow of data between real and digital assets. Through the use of this technology, industries have at hand the tools necessary to monitor, manage, and predict possible scenarios within an operation.


Digital Twin – Mining Use Case


The application of the Digital Twin not only provides greater control over asset integrity but also better management of people in the field, areas of greatest degradation, the lead time for maintenance and inspection activities, as well as the budget required to perform these activities.

Accidents and failures are also of great responsibility for the environmental issue in mining plants. Accidents in this type of operation can easily trigger the contamination of nearby tributaries, and the soil, and the destruction of entire biomes, causing impacts on the environment that could be avoided through total control over the operation.

Having a Digital Twin tool is a great ally to avoiding disasters of this magnitude and making the most of safety and energy use.

With this technology, the industry is able to predict these accidents and avoid unexpected interruptions, the use of Digital Twin also has to provide the best performance and asset performance, promoting profitability with responsibility for the future.


Access and understand how Digital Twin can predict costs



In the application of Digital Twin in a campaign aiming to manage and control corrosion protection in ore handling assets, Vidya solved this challenge with Vidya Platform, our solution powered by Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence technologies.

In the project, we have already successfully developed the Digital Twin of the asset, based on the 3D model and engineering documents.

We are currently in the field scanning phase. Therefore, we are using photogrammetry and orthophotography through 3D laser scanning techniques to feed the Digital Twin even more information. In addition, we are also conducting a visual inspection of the asset in the field. And using our mobile app to collect corrosion data, based on the corrosion assessment and weathering workflow.

If you want to understand more about how Vidya’s Digital Twin helped Vale increase their efficiency and profitability, click here and learn more!


About the Author: Andre Andrade
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