Vidya News
Vidya showcases AI Innovations for Offshore Energy at OTC 2024
Vidya Technology is attending the Offshore Technology Conference 2024 in Houston, TX. You can find Vidya at the halls of this year’s OTC in Brazil Pavillion at booth 624. The conference will take place between May 6-9 at the NGR Park in Houston, Texas. Beyond that, the event will reunite [...]
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How data contextualization has been assisting asset management
Asset management brings together some good practices that should be used by organizations in order to optimize their processes and control in order to achieve a desirable result and performance, [...]
Contextualization of data is an industry need
In the data era, having the control and monitoring of assets in industrial plants becomes essential. Industrial operations and processes are characterized by their high complexity, which is often one [...]
The path to an ESG operation
ESG (Enviromental - Social - Governance) is the acronym that has attracted the eyes of industries to an imminent and extremely urgent need. Since the first industrial revolutions, industries have [...]
ESG : Main concepts and aspects to a better future
ESG stands for Environmental - Social - Governance. These are guidelines that guide financial companies towards the challenges and social objectives of the 21st century. Initially conceived in 2004 in [...]
The power of Big Data and Digital Twin
Digital transformation has been a period of many changes for industries with the rise of many innovative technologies that are daily implemented within production processes and operations. However, it is [...]
What is Big Data and how the industry benefits from it
Big Data é um termo popularizado desde a Indústria 4.0 e tem sido amplamente utilizado em muitos setores da indústria e de tecnologia. Mas, afinal, o que é Big Data [...]