Vidya News and Events
Vidya on the Media

Assessing Assets and Charting Corrosion
Vidya Technology Digital Fabric Maintenance creates a safer and more efficient way to map out the life of an asset both onshore and offshore.
Our News and Events
Our News and Events
The final day of Future Oil and Gas!
Today was the final day of Future Oil and Gas 2020! It was a very insightful morning and [...]
1st day at Future Oil and Gas 2020!
The 4th edition of Future Oil and Gas went virtual in 2020, and started today! On this first [...]
Vidya presented in NACE European Corrosion Management!
Vidya had its paper approved and presented at the NACE European Corrosion Management Virtual Conference! This is an [...]
Vidya is in the Top 5 New Trends Ranking!
Vidya Technology has always been a reference company in the development of innovative solutions for the industry. As [...]