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How to optimize Industrial Safety and Risk Management

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers reported a 36% increase in offshore fatalities from 2020 to 2021. This concerning rise underscores the inherent safety challenges of the industry. Certainly, this sector is subjected to safety threats due to the complex processes and hazardous environments in which it operates. For this reason, high-complexity facilities such as oil and gas need to target safety and risk assessments as fundamental pieces of operational management. But what are the main concerns of the oil and gas industry regarding risk management?     Concerns regarding risk management in the O&G Industry   [...]

What is the difference between AIM and APM?

Asset Integrity Management (AIM) and Asset Performance Management (APM) are concepts that often get confused. Indeed, both focus on enhancing maintenance plans while reducing costs. However, it is necessary to understand which problems they specifically address to visualize the scope of their benefits. In this context, let’s learn about the main differences between these two vital concepts for heavy asset industries.   The role of AIM   As the name suggests, Asset Integrity Management focuses on the physical integrity of the asset, its purpose is to improve operational safety and maintenance planning. This strategy provides necessary outputs to industries about [...]

Why predictive maintenance isn’t always an answer

Intro   Predictive maintenance has proven to be an effective methodology for enhancing the lifespan of valuable assets in the industrial sector, as it allows companies to predict when equipment is likely to fail or stop. This way, proactive measures can be taken to prevent downtime and reduce maintenance costs.     Besides that, a November 2021 report from IoT Analytics estimated that the $6.9 billion predictive maintenance market would reach $28.2 billion by 2026. This showcases the immense potential this technology has, allowing companies to optimize their outcomes while reducing downtime. However, if this technology isn’t adequately implemented, [...]

Why system integration is a must

Intro As industries get more digitalized, the need for establishing an integrated digital environment increases. In this sense, the extensive amount of data that large operations generate requires interconnectedness in order to properly monitor every part of an asset’s infrastructure. In this post, we’ll take a look at why this integration is a must, the advantages it provides, and how it can improve the overall efficiency and productivity of businesses, especially heavy asset industries.   The rise of digital tools and the need for integration   The process of digitalization is reshaping how industries face their routines. From manufacturing to [...]

How APM is enabling longer asset life cycles while reducing downtime

Intro   Managing equipment life cycle is a sensitive matter that requires a careful approach from heavy asset industries. In this context, properly addressing maintenance practices lies in reducing unplanned downtime and reactive maintenance strategies with the intent of improving asset availability and readiness. For this reason, Asset Performance Management (APM) is a key concept to understand how this process can be streamlined.     However, before getting into how asset life cycles are being optimized, it is necessary to understand the role of APM.   What is the role of Asset Performance Management?   Asset Performance Management does [...]

How the petrochemical industry can benefit from advanced analytics

The petrochemical industry is essential for the manufacturing of materials that are utilized in a range of products of daily use, such as textiles, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Thus, this industry's efficiency has a direct impact on our daily lives. In an industry that is driven by technology and innovation, it's no surprise that advanced analytics is becoming an increasingly important tool for companies in this environment. This blog post aims to explain how the petrochemical industries can benefit from advanced analytics, including real operational applications.   Predictive maintenance     Advanced analytics offers significant [...]

March 29th, 2023|Asset Performance Management|

Paper vs Digital Inspections

Intro Oil and Gas operations pose unique challenges to their operations when the matter is inspection and maintenance. Since this kind of activity involves a variety of risks and complexities, it is not uncommon to find field workers filling out paper reports, and walking around the facility looking for potential problems.   This is a traditional-manual method, on which oil and gas companies relied throughout the years when performing risk assessments with the goal of preventing potential hazards that could compromise the continuity of the operation. Meanwhile, digital transformation has been disrupting the way things are done with increasingly advanced [...]

Maximizing Efficiency and Safety in Mining Operations with Asset Performance Management

Intro   The mining industry is continuously facing the challenges of equipment downtime, high maintenance costs, and safety risks. These problems can negatively impact a mining operation's productivity and profitability. However, asset performance management has been proven to be of great assistance to address these hurdles.   The challenges of Mining Industries   Mining operations face a number of obstacles related to the management and performance of their equipment and infrastructure. One of the most significant challenges is equipment downtime, which can occur due to a variety of reasons such as equipment failure, lack of maintenance, or unplanned events. Downtime [...]

January 25th, 2023|Asset Performance Management, Mining|
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