COP-27: What industries should be expecting in this year edition
Intro The COP (United Nations Climate Conference) is an annual event organized by the UN with the objective of centralizing the debate about the role of nations in relation to the need for global warming contingency and reaffirming the commitments made by countries. The event takes place between November 6th and 18th in Egypt, where several actions necessary for the prospection of investments, technologies, and policies that reaffirm the commitment to the global climate treaty by the UN will be discussed. In this post, we will talk about the issues that will be addressed at this year's event and [...]
What is Process Safety Management
Intro The oil and gas industry is characterized by the exploration of oil and natural gas in extremely hostile environments generating constant risks to the staff, the environment, and also to the integrity of the plant. Offshore operations are marked by their high complexity, with many processes occurring simultaneously in tens of thousands of heavy assets. In this scenario, operational safety management has the objective of developing internal procedures in order to avoid accidents and provide assertive measures to decision-makers. What is Process Safety? As mentioned before, Process safety management is about developing efficient and effective safety management [...]
Why ESG concepts are totally related to digital transformation in industry
ESG (Environmental - Social - Governance) concepts have been gaining much attention in recent years. In collaboration with major global goals, such as the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, the concept focuses on sustainable growth, social responsibility, and transparent corporate governance. Turning these practices to the industrial ecosystem, it is possible to identify several challenges that obstruct the commitment to a net-zero operation, such as the extensive emission of greenhouse gases, asset failure, and non-optimal energy consumption due to operational inefficiencies. The emergence of digital transformation and digital technologies has opened up new opportunities for achieving optimal operational [...]
Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the Fascinating World of Digital Twin Technology
Digital twin is a technology that has gained great prominence over the past few years for generating amazing results. The technology emerges in the midst of a movement known as digital transformation, which has revolutionized the way companies relate to their customers, operate, and develop their products and services. What is a Digital Twin? Despite the big boom behind the digital twin the term was conceived in 2002 by Michael Grieves and has since been applied for different purposes. But how could we define a digital twin? Well, the technology consists of a digital [...]
Digital Transformation in the O&M phase
As industrial processes become increasingly complex, more data are collected by sensors and technologies from digital transformation. However, this gathered information is not always centralized and contextualized, making the process of asset integrity management even more difficult. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the increased investment in new technologies by companies are constantly generating better results in their processes. One of the main gains from this is the improvement of the Operation and Maintenance phase of the industry (one of the most enduring stages of Project Lifecycle Management) with tools that keep up with the complexity of the operation and [...]
The active role of AI in industries’ future
Artificial intelligence has transformed the world through its application for different purposes around the globe. The recurrent use and interest in this technique have led to several developments that rapidly transformed the industrial operating environment through advances in computational techniques. Since 2020 we can notice an accelerated movement of digitalization driven by digital transformation and concepts previously presented in industry 4.0. The technologies developed in these periods and their fast emergence have provided enough visibility for broad application in complex tasks among production processes and industrial operations. The trend is that, in the coming years, the application [...]
Asset Integrity as a Climate Change mitigation action
Asset integrity management is an extremely important program for industries and it can vary according to each operation, according to its specific needs and particular characteristics. Although it has been present for a long time in the industrial sector, with the objective of generating more safety and reducing risks to operators, integrity management can be another method used by industries against the challenge of containing climate change. Read: Understand the importance of Asset Integrity Management Opportunities for a good sustainability-oriented AIM system Industries are facing requirements from stakeholders in relation to the optimal use of assets in their [...]
Data Contextualization to the O&M Phase
In the last 10 years, the amount of data generated by industries is the largest in history. Despite the growing digitalization of the sector, there is still a great need to contextualize this information to be effectively useful to the industry. In the contextualization process, three questions are fundamental for data processing. What is it? What is it for? and Who is it for? From this, a filtering process begins, the goal of which is to classify data as useful or useless. In addition, the contextualization process is also responsible for formatting the data into usable [...]
Data Contextualization – Make data do more!
Introduction Since Industry 4.0, companies have been implementing digital technologies to digitize their operations based on cyber-physical models. Ten years after the beginning of the transformation generated by Industry 4.0, these companies are often struggling with the difficulty of generating value through the use of the data generated in their operations. We can say that we are no longer in an age of data, but in an age in which it is necessary to understand, organize, and qualify this data in order to effectively generate value. In this article, we will address some of the main [...]
Are you a mining manager? So you’d better read this right now!
Mining and Metals managers are facing a strong conflict within their operation: how can I increase my productivity? The answer is complex, but two approaches can be used to tackle this dilemma. One possible approach, although very time-consuming and costly, is to expand mining sites. The other is all about driving the digital transformation through all organizational levels The roadmap to a mining digital transformation A successful digital transformation strategy cannot be implemented if it lacks strong leadership. The culture change required for a transformation of such magnitude demands people's support and massive embracement. Digital transformation is [...]