
Vidya News

Making the most of POB on offshore assets

Offshore industrial operations are risky environments for on-site workers. This group of people, referred to as People on Board (POB), is responsible for inspecting, executing maintenance, and ensuring operational safety in the facility. However, oil and gas facilities may present risks that result in incidents such as explosions, dropped objects, [...]

By |August 21st, 2024|

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Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the Fascinating World of Digital Twin Technology

By |October 6th, 2022|

Digital twin is a technology that has gained great prominence over the past few years for generating amazing results. The technology emerges in the midst of a movement known [...]

Predictive maintenance to manage corrosion and reduce failure on Steel Industries

By |August 30th, 2022|

The hostile environment of steel industries is a major driver of the main problems faced by the industry: corrosion and low efficiency in the maintenance of structures and equipment. [...]

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