Energy transition is possible through technology
The energy transition is one of the most important agendas for the industrial sector in order to contain the advance of global warming. But how can this be done feasibly? The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been highlighted in recent months around the world. The role of the industrial sector in this change is to transform its operations so that energy dependence on non-renewable sources is eradicated. The task is far from simple and requires time and investment to actually get it done. However, from the digital transformation and its technologies, industries have the opportunity to [...]
The energy transition in industries is a necessity of now
Finding solutions for energy transition within industrial plants is a necessity that requires action. This need is the result of the race in search of industrial operations so that they do not emit greenhouse gases, being compliant with what we call ESG (Environmental - Social - Governance) strategies. The subject has gained importance in recent years. Governments try to ease the way for a change of operation aiming at the goal of containing the advances of global warming and climate change on the planet. Reducing costs and changing policies on the subject was the starting point [...]
Why industries must change their energy source
To reduce the environmental impact of our industries, switching energy sources is necessary. In recent years, this agenda has gained considerable prominence along with the demand for ESG (Environmental - Social - Governance) operations. The goal is to zero carbon emissions in the industrial sector by the year 2050 through the application of technology and especially the change of energy sources to renewable sources with a lower environmental impact. The issue of decarbonization comes to the fore amid a period where technology and digital transformation have dramatically changed the way industries operate. The digitization movement allows these industries to [...]
How to manage assets in a smarter way
Asset integrity management is the discipline responsible for the continuity and security of an industrial operation. No matter the industry or its sector, having effective and efficient integrity strategies is a daily challenge that is very important for everyone involved in the operation. Asset integrity is the discipline responsible for ensuring the health of thousands of components in a plant, process, or machine. It is through it that the operation is fed with information about overload in specific elements, or loss of productive capacity. The management is also responsible for ensuring performance and identifying failure mechanisms. Having a good [...]
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Revolution in data extraction
The digital transformation was a period of many changes for industries with the rise of many innovative technologies that have gained application within industrial plants. However, it was due to various technologies coming from an area of knowledge called Big Data that the technological revolution began to gain new proportions. Understand how digital transformation has brought new opportunities for the intelligent use of large masses of data by digitizing processes by reading an article that will revolutionize your understanding of the subject. Click and read! In a new digital era where Digital Twin, IoT sensors, and Artificial Intelligence algorithms [...]
Smart factories and their continuous search for optimization
Each year new technologies become more present in our lives and routines. This technological advance has caused a strong disruption in the most varied sectors, including the industrial one. From the 4.0 industry technologies such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data, started to become popular and gain space among the most varied industrial processes. These technologies were some of the factors responsible for the disruption of the sector, which previously performed tasks and activities manually, and which, afterwards, managed to embark these technologies within its processes in search of greater agility, precision, and control over many variables. Although [...]
Artificial Intelligence as an alternative for the Oil and Gas sector
The oil and gas sector has been one of the main responsible for the production of energy since the invention of diesel engines, and which has been constantly dealing with strong obstacles thanks to the rise of technologies that have been replacing the use of oil as fuel. In addition to this obstacle, the huge drop in the price of a barrel of oil in 2020 forced this sector to adapt to a new scenario, where the saving of resources with the objective of reducing costs and gaining performance becomes essential for maintaining the functioning of these industries on the [...]
Industry 4.0: is your industry ready for disruption?
The term industry 4.0 came after a high-tech strategic project by the German government that promoted the transformation of industrial processes and operations through the use of digital technology. Like the first and second industrial revolution, industry 4.0 has also caused major disruptions in production and operations models with the advancement of technologies that have brought about changes never seen before. It is thanks to the use of such technologies that the models of industrial operation have constantly achieved better results and every day the industries have become intelligent. INDUSTRY 4.0 AS A TOOL FOR THE [...]
Digital transformation and the need for reinvention during the pandemic
In the data age, having intelligent systems capable of bringing information that can show us the current scenario or how its future may be, is essential for industries. Digital transformation is the key to this. Many industries have adapted to process digitization over the years, but now, more than ever, it is necessary to embark on the digitalization journey. This need for digitalization became clear in the year 2020. An atypical year for the rest and which had strong economic impacts for many sectors. But it is in the most difficult periods that the best opportunities emerge. With [...]
The role of Digital Transformation and AI during covid-19 pandemic
The Year 2020 has been challenging and very different from the previous ones due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The advance of the disease around the world has caused a strong disruption with the old business models, forcing the industries to adapt to a new scenario. One of the most important points that the pandemic opened up is the need for industries to adapt and implement Digital Transformation technologies in their processes. Understand in detail what is the digital transformation and what are its impacts within industrial processes and operations, click and learn more! In the first months of [...]