
Vidya News

Why Reality Capture is a must to report anomalies in industrial inspections

Industrial inspections consist of reporting anomalies to later perform maintenance plans. For this purpose, companies display several methods to inspect assets that can be divided into two major categories: the traditional methods and the digitized ones. In this context, these two groups present clear disparities in the benefits they generate [...]

By |February 14th, 2024|

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Balancing Maintenance and Production Demands for Maximizing Efficiency in Steel Industry

By |April 12th, 2023|

Intro In any manufacturing or production facility, balancing maintenance and production demands is crucial for ensuring that the operation runs safely and efficiently. While it's important to focus on meeting [...]

Benefits of Predictive Maintenance for Christmas Tree Equipment in the Oil and Gas Industry

By |March 22nd, 2023|

Predictive maintenance is a modern approach to equipment maintenance that aims to predict potential failures and prevent them before they occur. In the oil and gas industry, the importance [...]

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