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Computer Vision 101: How can AI see things?

A world where computers can understand the environment around them simply by looking. This isn't science fiction anymore. It’s the new frontier of artificial intelligence called Computer Vision. It can perceive its surroundings and interpret visual information to identify objects, colors, shapes, and areas. This technology consists of a model that learns information from multidimensional data, such as images or videos, enabling machines to develop a visual perception like humans. Today, Computer Vision systems can analyze vast amounts of visual data with incredible accuracy. But how exactly was Computer Vision developed? How does it work? And what are the [...]

June 26th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, iot, Oil and Gas|

How to optimize Industrial Safety and Risk Management

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers reported a 36% increase in offshore fatalities from 2020 to 2021. This concerning rise underscores the inherent safety challenges of the industry. Certainly, this sector is subjected to safety threats due to the complex processes and hazardous environments in which it operates. For this reason, high-complexity facilities such as oil and gas need to target safety and risk assessments as fundamental pieces of operational management. But what are the main concerns of the oil and gas industry regarding risk management?     Concerns regarding risk management in the O&G Industry   [...]

Enhancing Mining’s Risk Management with AI

Properly managing risks in the mining industry isn’t a simple task. Inherently, mining activities are characterized by high structural damage, safety risks, and obstructed productivity. Within this volatile environment, companies still face several limitations that impede effective risk management and safety efforts. For this reason, new methods to optimally control hazards need to be explored by the Mining Industry. This article elucidates the industry's bottlenecks in managing risks and how AI-driven technologies are enhancing current strategies.   Concerns regarding risk management in Mining Industries   According to the European Commission, risk management of a mine or any other mineral extractive [...]

April 23rd, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Mining|

How to leverage the full potential of AI Predictive Maintenance

Industrial maintenance is a crucial but challenging aspect of large-scale process industries. Traditional maintenance methods result in expensive, risky, time-consuming, and often inefficient activities. This has led to a growing implementation of digital technologies to optimize maintenance, which made clear the opportunities that these optimized processes offered, like foreseeing anomalies with predictive maintenance for example. However, successfully implementing this maintenance approach requires the integration of different cutting-edge technologies. Despite the complexity surrounding the adoption of predictive maintenance, we need to understand its leveraged opportunities in industrial environments.   Why industrial maintenance requires predictive care   Industrial maintenance can be a [...]

April 10th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, iot, Oil and Gas|

The 4 levels of Spatial Computing

Spatial Computing might be the next frontier of technological evolution. This technology blends virtual and physical environments for seamless interaction. Certainly, Apple's Vision Pro had a significant impact on the popularity of the concept among tech enthusiasts. Yet, it still represents a slightly abstract idea for most people, as it consists of a brand-new technology that presents different levels of immersion and integration within its scope. In this regard, it’s important to analyze the concept behind the different Spatial Computing levels.     Virtual Continuum     The concept surrounding Spatial Computing is defined as the Virtual Continuum. It represents [...]

March 13th, 2024|Industry 4.0, iot|

How is AI applied to corrosion detection?

Corrosion detection is a challenging, risky, time-consuming, and expensive process. According to NACE, the global corrosion cost is estimated to be US$2.5 trillion, equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP (2013). On top of that, it requires workers to inspect every edge of an enormous environment full of flammable hydrocarbons. However, the use of AI is reshaping this practice. In this context, AI-driven corrosion detection offers a safer and more sustainable method of addressing corrosion by providing a holistic perspective on Asset Integrity Management with 3D models, predictive algorithms, data contextualization, and Machine Learning. Thus, this blog analyzes how AI [...]

January 17th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Corrosion, Industry 4.0|

Top 4 AI Trends of 2024

Intro   As we step into the year 2024, Artificial Intelligence continues to transform industries and our daily lives. From chatbots to AI-automated processes, this technology is rapidly increasing the speed of operations while delivering more specified and data-driven decisions. In this volatile reality, trends and technological innovations emerge faster, reaching a point in which it is hard to keep track of new AI solutions. In this blogpost, we will explore some of the top AI trends to watch for in 2024, discussing how these trends are shaping the future of industries.   1. Increased Processing Capacity   Over the [...]

October 11th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0|

Why AI is becoming a consolidated reality

Intro   Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to transform many aspects of our lives. It is already having a significant impact on the job market, creating new jobs and transforming existing ones. Besides that, AI is democratizing innovation, helping people to be more productive and creative. This is leading to a wave of innovation from startups and individuals. However, in order to comprehend AI’s scope, it’s important to consider the fundamental aspects that led to AI’s meteoric rise.   AI’s boom   Throughout history, society always had the need for technological innovations. Although the [...]

September 27th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0|

Unlocking AI’s accuracy and reliability

AI's growth scenario   From its early days as a theoretical concept to today's omnipresent reality, AI's journey has been characterized by exponential growth. According to a 2022 IBM research, more than a third of companies (35%) report the use of AI in their business, a four-point increase from 2021. This illustrates a key change in the way we face reality, but different from other technological revolutions: today’s tool learns from its own experience at increasingly higher speed and scale.     These tools are programmed to have a human-like thought process. Moreover, they are now a reality in the [...]

Computer Vision: Understanding its importance to the Industry

Intro   Computer vision is one of the subfields of what we know as Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to advances in hardware and computing resources, this technique is widely used today. Computer vision is the ability of machines to "see" and make decisions about what they have seen. In this post, we will talk about the main concepts involving this technology that has been increasingly present in our daily lives. What is Machine Vision   The field of study and development of computer vision aims to develop algorithms that are able to process visual data, similar to humans, and transform this [...]

January 4th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence|
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