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How is AI applied to corrosion detection?

Corrosion detection is a challenging, risky, time-consuming, and expensive process. According to NACE, the global corrosion cost is estimated to be US$2.5 trillion, equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP (2013). On top of that, it requires workers to inspect every edge of an enormous environment full of flammable hydrocarbons. However, the use of AI is reshaping this practice. In this context, AI-driven corrosion detection offers a safer and more sustainable method of addressing corrosion by providing a holistic perspective on Asset Integrity Management with 3D models, predictive algorithms, data contextualization, and Machine Learning. Thus, this blog analyzes how AI [...]

January 17th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Corrosion, Industry 4.0|

Developing an Effective Corrosion Prevention Strategy for Mining Operations

Intro   Corrosion consists of constant material degradation by chemical or electrochemical reactions with its environment. Indeed, heavy corrosion damage can lead to extended unplanned shutdowns, decreased safety, and increased environmental exposure. And, while corrosion progression doesn’t stop, asset activities must be paused to address degradation and anomalies. In this context, mining structures are exposed to harsh environmental conditions, including moisture, acidic or alkaline substances, and abrasive materials, which accelerate corrosion. This being said, developing an effective corrosion prevention strategy is crucial to mitigate the impacts and costs of corrosion. A two-year global study released at the CORROSION 2016 conference [...]

December 20th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Corrosion, Mining|

Why traditional Corrosion Management methods are becoming obsolete

Offshore Oil operations are constantly threatened by an inevitable factor: Corrosion. Heavy corrosion damage can lead to extended unplanned shutdown times, decreased safety, and increased environmental exposure. This is why Oil and Gas companies struggle with traditional Corrosion Management methods becoming obsolete. However, corrosion management isn’t an easy task, involving locating, prioritizing, and treating corrosion signs along +300,000m² areas. Besides that, while operations need to execute interventions, they need to deal with limited maintenance time, budget constraints, and costly downtime. For this reason, the sector’s complexity requires an alternative method of addressing corrosion.   The Importance of Corrosion Management   [...]

November 29th, 2023|Corrosion, Industry 4.0, iot|

Unlocking AI’s accuracy and reliability

AI's growth scenario   From its early days as a theoretical concept to today's omnipresent reality, AI's journey has been characterized by exponential growth. According to a 2022 IBM research, more than a third of companies (35%) report the use of AI in their business, a four-point increase from 2021. This illustrates a key change in the way we face reality, but different from other technological revolutions: today’s tool learns from its own experience at increasingly higher speed and scale.     These tools are programmed to have a human-like thought process. Moreover, they are now a reality in the [...]

The economic impact of corrosion in Oil and Gas

Intro The oil and gas industry plays a pivotal role in powering our world. From exploration to production, these facilities are vital for meeting global energy demands. However, they face a persistent threat: corrosion. Corrosion occurs when metal structures are exposed to environmental factors such as moisture, chemicals, and gases, resulting in their gradual deterioration.   The challenges of Corrosion in O&G In the oil and gas sector, where infrastructure is subjected to harsh conditions, corrosion poses a serious challenge. Pipelines, storage tanks, and offshore platforms are all vulnerable to this corrosive attack. Left unchecked, corrosion can lead to catastrophic [...]

June 28th, 2023|Oil and Gas|

The Corrosive Process in the Oil and Gas Industry

Intro Corrosive processes are one of the main challenges for the oil and gas industries around the world. From the extraction process to refining and transportation, corrosion is an ongoing element in oil and gas plants. Besides being a high-risk problem for operators in the field, corrosion is also responsible for a large cost. According to NACE, the cost of corrosion prevention in an industrial environment is around 49 billion dollars, with at least 50% of this amount referring to atmospheric corrosion. In this blog we will talk about the main challenges and impacts generated by corrosion in the oil [...]

August 2nd, 2022|Asset Integrity Management, Corrosion|

How is maintenance performed in process plants

    Maintenance is a fundamental process for any industrial operation. It is very true that maintenance is not a type of investment that will result in more profits, however, investing in maintenance could be the same as not losing money.     In this blog, we will explain key concepts for understanding the real value of maintenance programs and routines in a heavy-asset industrial process.    Why is it necessary?   As mentioned before, effective maintenance programs could be the key to not losing unnecessary money.   Investing in maintenance is to ensure that processes, assets, and equipment [...]

How is corrosion monitoring performed in industrial plants ?

     Main challenges and opportunities of industry 4.0 for corrosion monitoring   Corrosion of metallic components is a natural process that requires the attention of many industries, with emphasis on industrial process plants, such as oil and gas, petrochemical, and mining, which are inserted in environments with a high degree of corrosiveness.    Corrosion cannot be completely avoided, so the objective of industries is to delay this process as much as possible so that there are no failures, or interruptions in the operation and prolong the useful life of the asset.   Corrosion of components such as piping, [...]

May 25th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Vidya presented in NACE European Corrosion Management!

Vidya had its paper approved and presented at the NACE European Corrosion Management Virtual Conference! This is an important moment for all of us, since our participation provided valuable networking opportunities, and other insights.  NACE European Corrosion Management Virtual Conference  The event by NACE International, the Worldwide Corrosion Authority, was focused on providing a unique look to the different management system domains, corrosion management best practices across multiple industry sectors, and advancements in corrosion mitigation technology. In that way, according to the event site:  “Virtual Conference mimics the dynamics of a physical conference from entering the lobby, attending the sessions, [...]

November 18th, 2020|Vidya News|

Vidya will be presenting at NACE European Corrosion Management!

We are happy to announce that Vidya will be presenting at NACE European Corrosion Management Virtual Conference!    Who is NACE?  NACE International, the Worldwide Corrosion Authority, is an organization established in 1943 by corrosion engineers from the pipeline industry, as the “National Association of Corrosion Engineers”. Nowadays, they are globally recognized as the premier authority for corrosion control solutions. They offer from technical training and certifications programs, to conferences and industries standards, among others.  You can check this information here. NACE European Corrosion Management - Virtual Conference The goal for the virtual conference is, according to its site: “provide [...]

November 10th, 2020|Vidya News|
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