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Pulp and Paper and Digital Transformation

The pulp and paper industries are part of the group of industries that have complex operations in their processes, and that has the possibility of optimization and digitalization through new technologies from the period known as industry 4.0.   Like other industries, such as oil and gas, mining, and offshore, the paper and cellulose industry has gigantic industrial facilities, which have a large number of assets that are constantly being monitored so that sudden interruptions in the production line, either because of failures or variables that are difficult to perceive, do not happen. Although technological development has provided applications that [...]

September 29th, 2020|Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0|

Vidya Software: a smart tool, for smart industries

Vidya Software is a software developed to meet the need of complex industries to ensure the greatest control over the integrity of their assets, through a digital system that makes use of Digital Twin. Discover the Digital Twin technology, its importance, and application in industrial processes through exclusive content about this technology. Click and access!     Through the Software, it is possible to easily select elements to be inspected. By clicking on the elements we can define parameterizable attributes according to the specific needs of your operation. The software allows these elements to be associated with pre-existing execution plans, [...]

Revolutionize inspection activities with Vidya Software

Have you ever imagined having complete control over the integrity of industrial assets on a centralized and fully digital platform?   With Vidya Software this is possible!   In addition to delivering greater control over the information needed for strategic decision making, Vidya Software is a great ally for planning inspection and maintenance plans, automating the process. Through the software, service orders and documentation are now shared digitally with the teams involved in the activity, making the process more agile and more cost-effective. VIDYA SOFTWARE IN OPTIMIZING INSPECTION TASKS   Through the 3D model, the operator can quickly locate the [...]

Automate inspection activities with Vidya Software

Vidya was born with the premise of guaranteeing intelligent solutions for industries that needed greater control over the integrity of their industrial assets.   It was thinking about the great challenges faced by the Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, and mining industries, that our team of integrity specialists developed the solution that has led large industries to achieve better results, with the optimization of processes that were previously done manually. VIDYA SOFTWARE AS A SOLUTION FOR BETTER RESULTS   Vidya's software aims to ensure broad control over the integrity of industrial assets in plants with a high degree of complexity. Through [...]

Integrate Documents and PLM through Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can integrate the phases of the PLM (Project Life-Cycle Management) through documents and data automation, resulting in more effective results. Therefore, avoiding known problems, as a fragmented data system. I've talked more about the PLM in my last article, about Inventory, you can click here to access it.  Piles of documents, technical drawings, and spreadsheets, were produced in the Design phase. However, until the Operation and Maintenance phase, crucial information can be lost. Therefore, the importance of keeping the entire process documented is that projects related and interdependent to each other don't get missing. Besides, the design project [...]

August 28th, 2020|Digital Transformation|

New management possibilities through Digital Transformation

The digital transformation has been highlighted in the industrial environment over the past few years. New technologies have enabled operational control in real time, achieving constant optimization of industrial processes. Activities that were previously performed manually start to become faster and more assertive with the digitalization of information. These are some of the premises that have caught the attention of many managers of large companies. In this text we will address some important points for understanding the challenges and advantages that digital transformation has brought to the industrial scenario. How has digital transformation enabled new management models? Technologies such as [...]

August 13th, 2020|Digital Transformation|

Be part of the Digital Transformation with Vidya Software

The digital transformation has brought new possibilities for control, optimization and savings to industries. Through the rise of technologies like Digital Twin, IoT, AI and cloud computing, industrial processes became digital. The digitalization of access, capture and storage of data, has enabled industries to obtain an overview based on data collected in real time. Allowing managers to make decisions more quickly and with a higher degree of assertiveness. However, there is still some difficulty on the part of the industries in adapting to these new technologies and abandoning the traditional methods previously used.   With that in mind, we came [...]

August 13th, 2020|Digital Transformation|

Data automation for better results achievement in industries

The industries are constantly looking for the maximum reduction in their operating costs, aiming at maximum profitability in their processes. Since the rise of digital transformation and the popularization of technologies that have revolutionized the way industries work, much can be done about process optimization for greater performance. Discover in detail the main changes that digital transformation has brought to the industrial scenario, click and access! With the cheapness of microchips and sensors and advances in the improvement and development of calculation and performance capacity, technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing started to be [...]

August 13th, 2020|Digital Transformation|

Vidya Software: the way to Digital Automation

The digital transformation enabled the use of new technologies and tools, as digital automation, within the most diverse industrial processes. The adaptation to the use of IoT sensors, mechanisms equipped with AI and 3D models, has provided an increasing digital automation of processes that previously demanded a lot of time and money. The industries are constantly looking for new ways to take advantage of these new technologies, always looking for greater performance with lower operating costs. Adaptation to digital automation has become essential for industries that want to remain in a competitive position within the market. Understand the importance of [...]

August 13th, 2020|Digital Transformation|

With Vidya Software your company goes further

The need to implement new strategies that optimize team time, performance, and value over the production chain, reducing operating costs, and maximizing profitability, is one of several challenges for many industries. With the popularization of digital transformation technologies in the industrial environment, companies were able to access the necessary tools to overcome these challenges. And leverage their production chain through the digitization of information, process automation, and data sharing. Better understand how industries are positioning themselves to overcome obstacles in the implementation of digital transformation technologies by reading this detailed content that we have prepared for you, click to access! [...]

August 12th, 2020|Digital Transformation|
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