Benefits of Digital Twin in the process industry
A process industry is one that, from different raw materials, combines and transforms materials into new products. To carry out this process, thermal or chemical transformations usually occur, resulting in a final product that cannot be separated into its initial ingredients. For the finished product to be of high quality, the production process must be meticulously controlled step by step. Because of all the complexity in these industries, it is common to implement technologies that help control the operation, such as Digital Twin for exemple. In this article you will learn about the main problems that happen in the [...]
Digital Twin for Renewable Grid Optimization
The world is moving toward a renewable energy production model. This transition is part of a series of measures adopted in order to break energy dependence on polluting sources. The concerns generated from the effects of global warming have made clean energy a source of supply option in many countries around the world. However, there is still a large gap in the operation and management of these sources on a large scale. In this article, we will highlight the key challenges of energy transition and how Digital Twin technology can bridge this gap and enable large-scale [...]
4 Digital Twin Applications you should know
The digital twin is a digital technology that has been widely used by industry in a variety of applications. A digital twin is a virtual replica of a real asset that has a continuous flow of data between the two parties. The connectivity provided by the technology is one of the many reasons it has been incorporated into many functions in different industries. Read on: Not familiar with a digital twin? Click here and understand the key concepts behind this technology. In this blogpost, we will show you 4 types of digital [...]
How you are going to become a reference through Digital Twin
Industries are currently experiencing a strong moment of disruption and digitalization in their operations as a result of digital transformation. The technologies emerging after Industry 4.0 have not only revolutionized the industry, but also brought to the fore a question frequently asked among managers: Which technologies do I really need? And the answer to that question can be quite surprising! Industries & Digital Transformation Hundreds of technologies that promised to revolutionize industrial operations have become popular and have made their way into the sector generating an ever-growing amount of data. However, having digital technologies in the midst [...]
How Digital Twin Technology can predict failure, risk and cost 2022
Asset integrity management is an essential task for any type of industry, especially renewable energy, oil and gas, offshore, mining, manufacturing, energy, and other complex industrial plants. Besides being indispensable to achieving the expected results from these industries, it also involves increasing the life cycle of the equipment, reducing risks, and also reducing the plant's operating costs, which are extremely high. However, fulfilling the goal of keeping the operation's efficiency at its maximum is not simple, especially in low-digitized environments. In this context, Digital Twin technology serves as a solution to optimize the process of digital transformation in the [...]
The many applications and benefits of Digital Twins in the different PLM phases
Regardless of the implemented project or the used management methodology, all projects can be separated into basic stages for a better understanding from their beginning to their end. This separation can be done through the PLM (Project Lifecycle Management), which serves to indicate each of these stages and facilitates the management of new or existing projects. PLM's functionality is also very valuable in industry, when analyzing, for example, the development of an industrial plant or the improvement of a process with new equipment. In this scenario, in search for greater efficiency in the operation, digital transformation allies itself to [...]
Digital Twin for the O&M phase
Digital twin technology has attracted increasing attention in the industry due to the great benefits generated by its implementation. A digital twin consists of a technology capable of mirroring a physical object in the virtual sphere so that a constant flow of data is established between the parties. Although the concept is widespread, a true digital twin is capable of performing actions from the physical as well as the virtual sphere. Read on: Understand what an authentic digital twin is Other concepts such as Digital Shadow and Digital Model can also be easily confused with a true digital twin, however, [...]
The authentic Digital Twin
The digital twin is a revolutionary technology that has created great opportunities for the industrial sector. Elected as a top technology by Gartner in 2019, Digital Twin has been gaining more and more relevance among the industrial sector thanks to the great benefits generated by its implementation. The concept of the technology is that of a virtual representation that mirrors a physical object with constant real-time data flow from that object, which can be an asset, machine, or even a process. Initially conceived by Michael Grieves in 2002, the concept is the result of a search for continuous improvements [...]
The perspectives for North Sea Oil extraction
The extraction of oil in the North Sea is one of the oldest operations in the world and is responsible for the economic flow of countries like Norway, Germany, Scotland, and England. Despite its extreme importance to the region's economy, the sector has obstacles in its path that compromise the long-term future of the industry. The pandemic was one of the most difficult periods for the sector and its impacts culminated in the biggest drop in the price of a barrel in history, forcing industries in the region to reduce oil extraction. The difficulties [...]
The answer to Steel Industries future relies on Digital Twins
Digitalization has provided the opportunity of reinvention of the industrial sector through the intelligent use of data and application of technologies from the fourth industrial revolution for better efficiency and operation control. But how effectively can a complex industry like the steel industry change its operation to better management of assets, energy efficiency, and serious accident prevention? The solution may lie in the digital twin. Digital Twin: Predict the Future The digital twin is one of the technologies that quickly became popular thanks to its high applicability. It is through its use that industries can base [...]