COP-27: What industries should be expecting in this year edition
Intro The COP (United Nations Climate Conference) is an annual event organized by the UN with the objective of centralizing the debate about the role of nations in relation to the need for global warming contingency and reaffirming the commitments made by countries. The event takes place between November 6th and 18th in Egypt, where several actions necessary for the prospection of investments, technologies, and policies that reaffirm the commitment to the global climate treaty by the UN will be discussed. In this post, we will talk about the issues that will be addressed at this year's event and [...]
O que é gestão de segurança operacional
Intro A indústria de petróleo e gás é caracterizada pela exploração de petróleo e gás natural em ambientes extremamente hostis e que geram constantes riscos às pessoas, ao ambiente e também a integridade da planta. Operações offshore são caracterizadas pela sua alta complexidade, muitos processos ocorrendo simultaneamente em dezenas de milhares de ativos pesados. Neste cenário a gestão de segurança operacional tem como objetivo desenvolver procedimentos internos com intuito de evitar acidentes e municiar decisões assertivas aos tomadores de decisão. O que é segurança Operacional? Como mencionado anteriormente, a gestão operacional trata-se em desenvolver sistemas de gestão de segurança, [...]
4 Digital Twin Applications you should know
The digital twin is a digital technology that has been widely used by industry in a variety of applications. A digital twin is a virtual replica of a real asset that has a continuous flow of data between the two parties. The connectivity provided by the technology is one of the many reasons it has been incorporated into many functions in different industries. Read on: Not familiar with a digital twin? Click here and understand the key concepts behind this technology. In this blogpost, we will show you 4 types of digital [...]
How is corrosion monitoring performed in industrial plants ?
Main challenges and opportunities of industry 4.0 for corrosion monitoring Corrosion of metallic components is a natural process that requires the attention of many industries, with emphasis on industrial process plants, such as oil and gas, petrochemical, and mining, which are inserted in environments with a high degree of corrosiveness. Corrosion cannot be completely avoided, so the objective of industries is to delay this process as much as possible so that there are no failures, or interruptions in the operation and prolong the useful life of the asset. Corrosion of components such as piping, [...]
Podcast: The Authentic Digital Twin
Transcription: Hello, welcome to Vidyacast, the smart doses of industries innovation podcast. Today, we are going to talk about the authentic digital twin. Well, Industry 4.0 is a revolutionary movement that has provided increasingly interconnected components to the industrial sector through the use of technology. The digital twin technology calls attention, it has been used in industries to raise productivity by planning and optimizing the process of collecting and analyzing data through a continuous flow of data coming from the real asset and being sent to the digital replica. The digital twin was originally designed by Michael [...]
Podcast: Decarbonization through Digital Transformation
Transcription: Hello, welcome to Vidyacast, the smart doses of industries innovation podcast. In this episode, we’re going to be talking about an important subject concerning the industrial sector: the need for decarbonization. The need to reduce carbon emissions has been generating a major long-term transformation within industries. There are a lot of discussions about how digital transformation has been the escape valve for these many companies that adopt new strategies, and generate value through the use of technology aimed at decarbonization. Certainly, the digital transformation makes it possible for these industries to operate in a cleaner and [...]
Decarbonization in mining : benefits of using Digital Twin
The increasing digitalization of industrial processes and operations is an opportunity for reinvention amidst a post-covid-19 industry recovery scenario. The ability to digitalize aligned with greater advances in flexibility, integration, and efficient data processing has generated greater operational efficiency and control for many mining industries. The productivity improvements are made possible by the adoption of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud computing, and Big Data. But among all these technologies, it is the Digital Twin that presents the greatest distinction. The Digital Twin consists of a digital replica that has a continuous flow of data between [...]
The authentic Digital Twin
The digital twin is a revolutionary technology that has created great opportunities for the industrial sector. Elected as a top technology by Gartner in 2019, Digital Twin has been gaining more and more relevance among the industrial sector thanks to the great benefits generated by its implementation. The concept of the technology is that of a virtual representation that mirrors a physical object with constant real-time data flow from that object, which can be an asset, machine, or even a process. Initially conceived by Michael Grieves in 2002, the concept is the result of a search for continuous improvements [...]
These are the features of a good Asset Integrity System
Asset integrity management is an essential program for the proper functioning of an industrial operation. A good asset integrity management program, in addition to demanding a good management organization, needs an efficient implementation process and employee training, thus enabling its implementation. In addition to providing adequate conditions for operation, activities involving AIM will result in: greater operational security longer asset longevity less risk to the workforce long term economic profitability While it is possible to implement non-digital systems for asset integrity management, the most recommended method for program execution is through digital systems. The digitalization of [...]
Digital technology: the path to Chemical Industry future
Chemical industries play a fundamental role in the industrial sector. It is through the products manufactured by this sector that we can have access to products that are part of our daily lives. However, the sector has some challenges in its path. Among the main difficulties faced is the high dependence on oil as an input for the manufacture of its products. The pandemic period culminated in significant advances in the field of biotechnology and through the research, in this area, the chemical sector can have the opportunity to take advantage of new techniques that can break the [...]